Lynn Sear is co-founder and Director of Literacy Tree which developed Literary Curriculum, the book-based curriculum which won the BETT awards and Teach Primary awards in 2022. Prior to this role she taught from Nursery to Y6 in London schools and was an Advanced Skills Teacher before becoming a Local Authority Consultant and a Deputy Head. Lynn has a background in drama-in-education and is always looking for ways to engage children within literature which inspired her focus for an MA in Achievement and Equity in Education from the Institute of Education. Lynn also runs Local Authority moderator training and talks at conferences about pedagogical approaches to primary reading and writing. She’ll admit that she’s slightly obsessed with words and their origins, and is particularly geeky about homophones and portmanteau.
Lynn will be presenting the following seminars:
• Good Practice with a Guided Reading Carousel
• Reading Journals and Home Learning
• Asking the Right Questions to Assess Comprehension
• Benefits of Whole Class Reading
(click on seminar titles for details)
and the workshop
Creating Critical Readers through Whole Class Reading: Learning how to engage enthuse and excite your learners