Day 2 - Our Workshops


What does it mean to be an evidence informed teacher?

Tom Sherrington

An exploration of how teachers can sensibly engage with educational research and cognitive science to support their everyday practice. 


Day 2, April 4th, 8am to 8:45am

Enhancing Early Years Maths (EY)

Alyson Gough

Over the course of the day, we will look at how every-day routines can be developed to support mathematical learning. We will consider how to create appealing environments both inside and outside which maximise opportunities to develop children’s mathematical learning across the areas of provision.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Planning for Success (MP1-3)

Caroline Scott

Use an EAL planning template to ensure learning is accessible within the demands of the curriculum. Bring your year group literacy plans and consider how you will be delivering learning to meet the needs of multilevel learners in the coming weeks. This full day provides a revision or refresh of how to support EAL learners with a focus on application of strategies to your day to day context.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

A bit of the other: the iridium anomaly, BVSR, Orgel's rule, immunology, David Bowie and insertion of random information in resilient systems

Charles Watson

Anyone who has observed the role of chance in the history of discovery, and creative ideas, is going to be looking for a means of inserting this into their system of thought. A discussion of “Permanent Transience”, “Interdisciplinary Promiscuity” and  “Permeable Boundaries” will be the core of this 4 hour open interactive workshop on creative thinking.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Questioning Techniques: An in-depth exploration

Tom Sherrington

10+ key questioning techniques and how they combine to support responsive teaching and inclusive class discussions.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Creating Critical Readers through Whole Class Reading: Learning how to engage enthuse and excite your learners (Infant 2, MP1-3)

Lynn Sear

We will spend the day looking in depth at the whole class reading approach and how it can scaffold the less able fluent readers was well as challenge the needs of the more able readers. We will look at a range of texts including poetry, Non-fiction, novels and picture books.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

What makes great science teaching: How we can weave evidence informed practice into all aspects of our lessons and become responsive to our students needs

Adam Robbins

This workshop is aimed at unpicking great practice in science education discussing the different ways they can be implemented and collaboratively building resources and systems that can be used in the classroom.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! (Try not to sing that part) (Rec, MP1-3)

Martin Morgan

Created by Biggs and Collis and developed by the Visible Learning Team with Professor John Hattie. This session will help you develop Assessment Capable Learners.

Looking at the similarities and differences compared with Bloom’s Taxonomy.

How we can plan for progression. How we can make that progression visible to learners.

How we can increase learners’ motivation to challenge themselves. How to make learning exciting and engaging.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Positive Discipline (EY, MP1)

Roberta Caminha

Knowing how to deal with difficult behaviour can be challenging for every teacher. Positive Discipline tools are all focused on mutual respect and are designed to increase a child’s sense of belonging and significance. If you want to learn some of these tools, come and join us.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Positive Approaches to Behaviour for Primary Teachers

Sue Cowley

The four sessions explore effective ways to establish expectations, ensure clarity of communication and motivate children to engage with learning. We will explore motivation and creative ways to build relationships. We will also look at ways for teachers to help children build their behaviour skills and do some action planning for individual children.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Collaboratively growing teachers and building quality

David Weston

In this workshop, David Weston will explore what we know about how teaching expertise develops and can be grown. He will take you through some of the key barriers and then explore, in a series of practical exercises and activities, how to create a team where staff are getting better, day-in, day-out. The session will include some key ideas about the types of meetings and conversations that are needed to move this work forwards. It will also explore lesson observations and feedback cycles that are more likely to be effective, engaging and impactful.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Targetting Level 7 in IB English - How to make the elusive more tangible

Freya Odell

This seminar will focus on establishing how we can best support our pupils to get the top grades in all components of the course.  We will explore papers and student responses, discuss strategies and focus on how we can best support these students within our lessons.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Rethinking the KS3 Curriculum

George Speller

Embracing the freedom at KS3 to create innovative curricula that enhance learning and build the foundations for future success.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Gradual Release of Responsibility - The Journey to Independence

Chris Moyse

This day workshop will provide you with a variety of tools and strategies to ensure that your children are successful independent learners


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Music to Motivate Learning (EY, MP1-3)

Claudia Tolipan

Music is used across the globe to bring people together, to celebrate and unite. A practical workshop that will allow you to engage young learners and come away with ideas to use in the classrooms. Some body warm ups, voices together, talk about the music we teach , using the benefit of storytelling to help pupils learn, discuss what progression in performance looks, feels, and sounds like. Make some noise!


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

IEYC Practices and Reflections (EY)

Katy Freeman

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore themes introduced in day 1 seminars in more depth. During the course of the day we will: share examples of how different reflective practices have enabled children’s interests and curiosities to lead and guide learning within an IEYC unit; look at practical examples of what different adult roles look like within an Early Years setting; reflect on our own use of the seesaw app with an opportunity to explore and create our own examples of children’s learning; give practical advice of how to make the most of space and resources.


Day 2, April 4th, 9am

Addressing Diverse Learning Needs in the Upper Primary Classroom: Effective Provision and Support in Practice (MP2-3)

Ana Carolina Carvalho

Upper Primary teachers face a broad diversity of learners in their classrooms every day. This workshop aims at inspiring educators to identify ways in which they can adapt their teaching to reach a broader range of learning styles, as well as plan adjustments in their teaching to anticipate the needs of students with specific learning needs. 


Day 2, April 4th, 9am